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Schedule & Details


Participants prepare themselves for assuming the responsibilities in their organization by developing the skills and abilities required of union leaders. Strategic planning, decision making, developing a vision, styles of leadership, rank and file participation, communications, running effective meetings are among the topics to be considered. Group dynamics in unions will be discussed including why people join groups, law, and high trust groups. Special attention is paid to the unique qualities of unionists, their motivations and their needs. Each participant will prepare a plan for improving how their local union functions.


Description:  Participants prepare themselves for assuming the responsibilities in their organization by developing the skills and abilities required of union leaders. Strategic planning of operations, decision making, developing a vision, styles of leadership, rank and file participation, communications, and running effective meetings are among topics considered. Additional topics include running effective meetings, labor law, grievances, arbitration, collective bargaining, contracts, and outreach. Group dynamics in unions will be discussed including why people join groups, particularly law and high trust groups. Special attention is paid to the unique qualities of unionists, their motivations, and their needs. Each participant will prepare a plan for improving how their local union functions.


Key Topics:

  • Union Operations
  • Group Dynamics for Unions
  • Empowering the Union Rank and File
  • Decision Making for Unions
  • Union Members Rights and Responsibilities
  • Strategic Planning and Outreach for Unions
  • Robert’s Rules of Order for Unions
  • Union Contracts
  • Workplace Grievances and Arbitration
  • Labor Law and Workplace Rights
  • Leadership Development for Unions


Approach and Features:

  • Organizer’s Toolkit
  • Multi-Media Lectures
  • Group Discussions
  • Case Studies
  • Role Play
  • Exercises



  • Define what unions are and how they operate.
  • Understand union members’ rights and responsibilities.
  • Survey the basics of a successful union contract.
  • Learn how unions strategically plan to achieve their goals.
  • Survey the best decision-making methodologies for unions.
  • Develop leadership characteristics in the union rank and file.
  • Understand the fundamentals of how to run successful union meetings.
  • Harness the dynamic power of groups in the union setting.
  • Empower the union rank and file with basic knowledge of labor law and collective bargaining.



  • Understand what unions are and how they operate at optimum functionality.
  • Effectively apply union member rights and responsibilities in union campaigns.
  • Apply effective organizing strategies to strengthen your union and worker associations.
  • Implement the best techniques organizers use in strategic planning.
  • Build a strategic framework for decision-making in the union setting.
  • Enrich leadership qualities of union officers, management, and rank and file in real-world situations.
  • Use Robert’s Rules of Order to run effective union meetings.
  • Harness the power of group dynamics to utilize the skills, abilities, and interests of union members.
  • Inspire the rank and file by learning from experts and affiliates in union solidarity.


Textbook (Optional):

Mauer, Michael. The Union Member’s Complete Guide. Annapolis, MD: Union Communication Services. 2001. ISBN: 0-9659486-1-7.


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John Castella

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