The ILR Credit Intern Experience
The ILR Credit Internship Program affords qualified ILR juniors and seniors the unique opportunity to gain significant professional experience while also receiving a full semester’s credit. Approved students are eligible to undertake internships in a wide-range of organizations from trade unions and large corporations, to government agencies, labor & employment law firms, and non-profits. In operation for nearly forty years, the ILR Credit Internship Program is widely recognized in the United States as the most successful of its type. The program was created by the faculty of the ILR School more than 40 years ago to afford our advanced undergraduates, juniors and seniors, opportunities to enhance their understanding of the field of industrial and labor relations by working for a semester (approximately 14 weeks), in one of the professional careers it encompasses. Students intern across the U.S. and around the world. View student profiles for more information.