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News Archive

September 2023

Doellgast Research Offers Insight into AI Protections for Workers
One casualty of a shutdown: government data
America’s Eyes Are on Unions
Donald Trump Headed for Disappointment
Trump claims to be pro-worker. His record says he’s anti-union
Cookie Day: ILR’s Sweetest Tradition
ILR Announces New Faculty
Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action at an Elite Brazilian University
“Humble Leader” Celebrated
Why Biden and Trump are courting striking autoworkers
What to know about UAW president Shawn Fain
UAW strike strategy sets companies against each other
Biden to make history by hitting UAW picket line
UAW expands strikes against GM, Stellantis
Biden Joins UAW Picket Line in Michigan
CNBC Daily Open: Summer of discontent
Bloomberg Markets 09/22/2023
UAW’s Old Guard Is Both a Blessing and a Curse
Threat of child care cliff looms in California
The child care industry is on the cusp of a crisis
Why the UAW is fighting so hard for these 4 key demands in the auto strike

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